Get AI-powered access to mentions across social media,
news, blogs, videos, forums, podcasts, reviews, and more.
Brand24 offers the most complete access to online mentions out there. Be the first to know and get ahead of the story.
Gather insights from 25 million online sources, tracked in real-time.
Use advanced sentiment analysis to segment positive, negative, or neutral mentions.
Measure and report your PR coverage.
Measure brand awareness and presence. Track reach and engagement using our state-of-the-art technology.
Evaluate marketing efforts and benchmark against competitors.
Identify the reach and importance of mentions. Filter out the noise, and focus on what matters.
Share statistics and insights with your team.
Learn from online conversations about your company. Get access to honest consumer feedback.
Learn what people like or dislike about your company.
Use customer insights to make informed business decisions that resonate with your audience.
Share insights across your organization.
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Access important hashtag metrics.
Measure the number of mentions with a hashtag.
Brand24 tracks all public sources, including social, news,
blogs, videos, forums, podcasts, reviews, and much more!
We’re experts, and here’s the proof.
Active domains
mentions delivered
We're currently working with customers from 154 countries
Our AI "definitely gets sarcasm." Get it? We've just used sarcasm to talk about sarcasm. Take that AI. Honestly, though, Artificial Intelligence helps you make sense of the data to save you time.
Our AI-powered language detection helps you to track mentions that matter.
We distill numerous brand mentions into an actionable and easily digestible word cloud.
Easy access to positive & negative brand mentions.
Access our free social listening masterclass to learn essential media monitoring skills.
Customer service is not just a department, it is the philosophy behind our entire company.
Sentiment analysis allows you to check how your target audience feels about your brand, product, or service.
Here're bulletproof marketing tactics to build brand awareness and enjoy the fruits of a strong social media presence.
The share of voice will help you to measure brand awareness, find influencers, and increase your market share!
Few words about what brand reputation management is, what it consists and why is it important for your business.