Category: Use Cases

Find out how Brand24 helps companies from over 100 countries grow their business. Here are some examples of how brands of all sizes use our tool on a daily basis.

How to Start Monitoring Your Brand Online with Brand24

Social listening with Brand24 is an effective way to find out what people say about your brand. You can easily track mentions about any topic online with the tool. However, Brand24 might seem a bit tricky and hard to use at first. This guide will walk you through first steps in the tool making your beginning with monitoring approachable.

Natalia Chrzanowska Natalia Chrzanowska |
Sep 1, 2015
6 min reads
Pizza Giveaway Based on Social Listening

Pizza Giveaway Based on Social Listening

Social Media Monitoring can serve you as a perfect base for innovative marketing campaign. Think outside the box and come up with PR stunt that will improve your image, increase engagement and stay in mind for long. Many companies have their customer service to their credit and one of them is Da Grasso, pizza restaurants chain, which […]

Brand24 Brand24 |
Mar 21, 2014
2 min reads
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