Best AI Marketing Tools to Try in 2024

19 min read

Nowadays, AI marketing tools are an irreplaceable element of digital marketing. They automate marketers’ work, facilitating the most time-consuming and tedious tasks. If you don’t use AI-powered marketing tools yet but want to benefit from them, you’re in the right place!

#ai marketing tools

As businesses compete for customers’ attention and loyalty, they must adopt cutting-edge technologies to stay ahead. That’s where AI marketing tools come in handy. They are revolutionizing the marketing landscape, providing new ways to analyze data, automate tasks, and improve customer experiences.

These tools help businesses understand their customers better, target them more effectively, optimize marketing campaigns, and many more.

In this article, we will explore some of the most effective AI marketing tools. I’ll show you how they can help to boost marketing efforts and engagement rates.

However, there’s one more thing before I present AI marketing tools. You need to know that although they can facilitate your work and everyday tasks, they may also have considerable downsides.

But no worries, I’ve got you covered! I will inform you about any potential drawbacks and controversies with every AI tool.

  1. AI marketing tools
  2. Start testing your first AI marketing tool!

AI marketing tools

Modern media monitoring


Modern media monitoring heavily relies on artificial intelligence to analyze collected data and customer satisfaction.

But let’s start from the beginning – with what media monitoring is.

It’s all about tracking all mentions of a particular keyword on the Internet. It can be the name of a brand, industry, or product.

For example, here is a social media monitoring project for the Apple and iPhone keywords in the Brand24 tool:

Brand24 dashboard for Apple monitoring project
Brand24 dashboard for Apple monitoring project

As you can see, each mention is assigned a sentiment (positive, neutral, or negative). This is the first significant application of artificial intelligence. Predictive analytics allows AI to categorize your mentions based on emotionally charged keywords.

With this feature, you can sort the results according to their sentiment. This essential function allows you to see sudden increases in negative mentions. Thus you can quickly identify the cause of this phenomenon. This way, you can react fast and avoid a reputation crisis.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning support sentiment analysis by detecting emotionally charged words and categorizing mentions based on them. We keep the algorithm constantly upgraded so its effectiveness increases over time

Recently, using new tests and training, its accuracy increased by 30% in Brand24!

Check mentions about your brand and monitor sentiment in real time!

Interpreting the sentiment of words is not everything. Brand24 also includes the AI Lab, which shows the share of various emojis in your mentions.

Emoji analysis with Brand24 AI Lab
Emoji analysis with Brand24 AI Lab

In Lab24, you will also find an analysis of Share of voice. It shows the share of individual users in publishing mentions about your brand in a pie chart. There’s a division by sentiment too.

Share of voice in Lab24
Share of voice in Lab24
Positive and negative share of voice in Lab24
Positive and negative share of voice in Lab24

This can be very beneficial for your digital marketing as you can identify your most devoted customers.

But the involvement of artificial intelligence in modern media monitoring doesn’t end here. Thanks to AI, it’s possible to analyze the collected customer data, despite its vastness!

Infographic for Apple monitoring project by Brand24
Infographic for Apple monitoring project by Brand24

This way, automatically generated reports, alerts, and infographics are created, notifying users of a higher-than-average frequency of negative mentions. Using this function, you can easily avoid a reputation crisis and stay on top of current events.

Improve your marketing with an AI-powered tool today!

Brand24 personalized PDF report feature
Brand24 personalized PDF report feature

Spam filtering is the last significant way of using artificial intelligence and machine learning. As you may imagine, not all mentions will be relevant to you and related to the topic you are interested in. For this reason, Brand24 has an intelligent spam filter that screens out unnecessary results.

Thanks to the Brand24 AI tool, you can get an in-depth understanding of your company’s position in the market. Consequently, you can implement a better marketing strategy based on all the data you get with Brand24. It’s perfect for positive and negative customer feedback and vast actionable insights.

Create a free project and monitor opinions about your brand!

Artificial intelligence in content creation

AI marketing solutions for copywriting is a vast topic with ardent opponents and enthusiastic supporters.

I’ll start by presenting AI tools that assist in creating content, then discuss software that can make it for us entirely.

The latter is called generative tools or creative artificial intelligence. Their advantage is the ability to quickly generate various types of content, such as articles, product descriptions, or videos. However, their drawback is that the content often sounds artificial and is less valuable than that created by a human.

Surfer SEO

Most marketing specialists have probably heard of Surfer SEO as a valuable tool. At Brand24, it’s our right-hand tool to create SEO-optimized content and more!

This intelligent tool will help you create an article that will rank at the top of the search engine rankings. It will suggest the parameters for your text based on other websites connected to your topic.

SEO Surfer dashboard
SEO Surfer dashboard

The information Surfer SEO provides includes the number of words, headers, paragraphs, and keywords. There’s also the Content Score, which indicates text quality. Thanks to these actionable insights, you will significantly improve your ranking in search engines.

To obtain this information, provide the keyword for which you plan to write an article. The tool will do the rest for you.

It’s effortless and incredibly helpful for your digital marketing.

There’s only one critical remark. Remember not to push by force too many keywords and pack your sentences full with them. Otherwise, despite the good positioning, your text will sound unnatural and won’t succeed.

Leverage AI marketing with Brand24 and monitor what people say online!


This AI software is another must-have for every copywriter creating in English. From social media posts to longer forms of content – Grammarly should be your right hand.

Grammarly webiste
Grammarly webiste

This marketing AI tool will check spelling and punctuation errors, improve syntax, correct wrong word usage, and suggest synonyms for repetitive words.

It’s a reliable tool if you want to write clearly in English. At Brand24, we use it daily and think it’s essential for decent content marketing.

And we’re not the only ones who think so:

Positive mention of Grammarly detected by Brand24
Positive mention of Grammarly detected by Brand24

But surprisingly, despite all the benefits of Grammarly, it has some considerable downsides. Firstly, as all other AI-powered tools, it can make mistakes. Secondly, it may flatten your writing style, making everything systematic and standard.

Negative mentions of Grammarly from Brand24
Negative mentions of Grammarly from Brand24

Not long ago, Grammaly introduced the GrammarlyGo feature. This intelligent function allows you to modify your text however you want. You can make your message shorter, more exciting, formal, or anything else. 

Thanks to the new feature you can also establish a consistent tone of voice and the level of formality. 


Check out your online mentions and improve marketing strategy!

Chat GPT

Here is where all the controversy begins.

Chat GPT entered general use not long ago and turned the Internet upside down, dividing people into supporters and opponents.

Let’s take a closer look at its capabilities and drawbacks.

ChatGPT dashboard
ChatGPT dashboard

The main task of Chat GPT is to generate responses to questions asked and, in general, to react to user input. To achieve this, the model analyzes the context provided by the user and tries to understand their intention. Then, using its data and experience, it generates a response that aims to align with the user’s expectations.

And what if I tell you that Chat GPT wrote the above paragraph? Impressive, isn’t it?

But don’t get deceived by its extensive knowledge and ability to create sensible responses. Chat GPT is just a well-trained AI model with machine-learning capabilities. Remember, it can still make mistakes!

Besides that, its responses, although correct in content, lack expert knowledge derived from experience or true human empathy. Hence, numerous voices of criticism arise regarding the excessive use of Chat GPT.

Let’s start a project in Brand24 and find out what people are saying on the Internet about Chat GPT:

Media monitoring project for ChatGPT
Media monitoring project for ChatGPT

Opinions are very divided and often extreme. What does the sentiment chart look like? Let’s take a look at the last 30 days.

ChatGPT sentiment monitoring

As you can see, as much as 55% of people have a negative opinion about Chat GPT!

That’s important information for brands considering using this tool.

Monitor mentions on any topic and get to know people’s opinions online!

Jasper AI

This artificial intelligence marketing tool is similar to Chat GPT. You can use it in content marketing to generate text, but it offers broader possibilities for adjusting parameters. You can specify the maximum number of words, the style, and the number of outputs you want to receive.

A noteworthy advantage of Jasper is the Templates tab, which contains patterns for creating posts for different platforms. You will find a template for a blog article, a product description on Amazon, a post on Facebook, and many others.

Jasper dashboard with templates
Jasper dashboard with templates

Lately, Jasper has introduced one more useful feature. The tool assists you in improving your prompt by making it more accurate and detailed. Thanks to this function, you can easily get the expected output and save time on creating robust input descriptions. 

Thinking about AI implementation in your company? Check what your audience thinks about it!


This AI marketing tool can create optimized articles for SEO. Byword offers image generation, multi-language support, and custom writing styles to empower the writing process. Its undetectable artificial intelligence algorithms allow it to bypass major AI detectors while generating texts in a single click.

Byword dashboard
Byword dashboard

Additionally, Byword provides specific article lengths, allowing users to choose between short and long-form content. The articles can be written in parallel in the cloud with background processing. You will get an email when they are ready, which makes it very convenient.

Communication with customers

Artificial intelligence and machine learning can help create chatbots that automatically respond to customer queries. For this purpose, you can use existing chatbot platforms, knowledge bases, machine learning algorithms, or natural language processing tools.

You may have already observed this phenomenon on many websites when you needed to contact technical support. Few still have employees available on an online chat to assist users. In most cases, we can reach an intelligent bot that will try to answer our questions…

But will it understand the problem we are facing?

An AI bot can work 24/7, answering users’ questions. But unfortunately, its abilities are severely limited when it comes to solving the most complex problems.

Thus, customers may be left with no answer to their question. As a result, they might even abandon software due to their inability to manage it.

To avoid such issues, at Brand24, we decided not to use an AI-powered chatbot. When potential customers or users have questions, they can easily contact our Customer Success team on the online chat.

Customer Success team at Brand24
Customer Success team at Brand24

You can always count on the Brand24 Customer Success team.

However, AI bots answering customers’ questions are not the only use of AI and machine learning programs in customer communication. Let’s see what else this niche has to offer. is an AI-powered marketing tool designed for personalized email outreach. It generates customized messages that include personalized email subject lines. That’s a huge benefit if you want to grab the attention of your potential customers.

The tool provides additional features like backlink generation, product titles, description creation for online stores, and personalized cold email outreach. also integrates with third-party platforms to optimize email outreach. Hence, it is an efficient and effective tool for email marketing campaigns.


Wordtune is an AI-powered tool that helps you communicate effectively through text, Slack, email, social media, and other marketing channels. With Wordtune, you can take control of your tone and ensure you convey your message the way you intend.

Wordtune website
Wordtune website

The program offers text adjustments to sound more formal or informal and the option to compress, edit, or lengthen your message.

Integrate AI marketing strategy in your business!

Initially, I wasn’t convinced if this app is something you really need as we already have Grammarly to guard our writing, but I couldn’t be more wrong! Now, I truly appreciate this new extension to my browser.

Use of Wordtune for Slack messaging
Use of Wordtune for Slack messaging

With Wordtune, you can communicate with confidence and clarity in any context, and be sure to excel at your messaging.

Seventh Sense

Seventh Sense is a tool for AI marketing for optimizing the timing and frequency of email campaigns for individual recipients. The send time optimization feature delivers emails to each recipient at their optimal engagement time.

Another useful functionality is email throttling. It helps to increase deliverability by pausing campaigns, making changes, and spreading the load on systems, call centers, and salespeople.

The tool also offers email frequency optimization. It allows for automatic engagement-based segmentation and easy emailing customers at their preferred frequency.

Seventh Sense dashboard
Seventh Sense dashboard

Additionally, Seventh Sense empowers sales and marketing teams to share data on when individual customers or prospects engage with their organization. This leads to increased conversions and shortened sales cycles.

With Brand24, you find new ways to engage customers and improve performance!

Workflow automation


Bardeen is a cutting-edge workflow automation software that can help take your AI marketing strategy to the next level. It will make your life easier by automating simple tasks, streamlining data collection, and managing processes.

With Bardeen, you can save much time you’d otherwise spend on manual work. This allows you to focus on more important aspects of your marketing strategy.

Bardeen website
Bardeen website

One of its key features is integrating with various marketing tools. This includes CRM platforms, email marketing tools, and social media management software.

These integrations allow Bardeen to pull information from multiple sources and use that data to automate marketing tasks. This will be helpful for lead nurturing campaigns, social media scheduling, and email marketing campaigns.

Personally, since I started using Bardeen, I cannot imagine going back. It helps me enormously to go smoothly from one activity to another. I can better organize my day, complete all the tasks, and, most importantly, not forget important meetings in my Google Calendar!

Incorporate AI marketing tools in your marketing strategies!

Axiom is an innovative AI marketing tool that simplifies the process of data retrieval and analysis. The software allows you to harness the power of bots to collect data from multiple sources. It connects with Google Docs, Linkedin, Amazon, Google, and many more.

Axiom can help you quickly and easily extract the information you need. It will offer assistance in data collection for lead generation, market research, or other purposes.

Axiom integration
Axiom integration

Axiom’s Chrome extension enables seamless integration with your web browser, allowing you to use the tool with just a few clicks. Its user-friendly interface and simple 3-step process make it easy for anyone to use, regardless of technical expertise.

With Axiom, you can save time and resources by automating your data retrieval and focus on what really matters.

Managing digital marketing campaigns


Personalize is an AI marketing tool that enables you to create personalized content and email campaigns based on your customers’ interests. The software can analyze customer engagement to identify the products and services an individual is currently most interested in. This allows you to promote the right product to the right person at the right time.


Using Personalize, businesses can create a more individual customer experience, leading to higher engagement and, ultimately, better conversion rates.

Leverage AI to compete with other marketing leaders!

Albert AI

Albert AI is an AI-powered digital marketing tool that optimizes and personalizes advertising campaigns.

It uses self-learning software to analyze big data and improve the precision and efficiency of your marketing campaign.

Alber AI dashboard
Alber AI dashboard

The tool analyzes customer data at scale, allocates budgets, and evolves campaigns across channels. With over 200 different capabilities, it can analyze data, find potential customers, and run a test marketing campaign to refine targeting.

Albert AI offers insights, strategic planning, innovation, and complex campaign performance consulting. It helps marketers build solid brands and target audience engagement.

Incorporate AI in marketing using Brand24 for reputation monitoring!

Visual content creation


Synthesia is a revolutionary AI marketing tool that empowers digital marketers to create impressive AI videos in just a few minutes. You can choose from a vast library of templates, avatars, icons, and backgrounds to create a professional-looking clip.

Synthesia has two main advantages. Firstly, it allows you to have a realistic human in your videos without hiring actors. Secondly, it provides a wide range of editing options that enable you to adjust the video to your specific needs.

What’s more, you can choose from 120 languages and accents for your video. I don’t know about you, but for me, that’s very impressive.

Synthesia website
Synthesia website

It’s an effortless and cost-effective way to make visually appealing business videos. You can use them for corporate training and communications, personalized sales and customer success videos, e-learning, and more.

Monitor user interaction with Brand24!


DALL-E 2 is a revolutionary AI tool developed by OpenAI. It uses deep learning algorithms and machine learning to generate unique and diverse images based on textual descriptions.

You only need to give a description, and AI technology will develop creative ideas for you.

DALL-E 2: a dog painting
DALL-E 2: dog paintings

The program was trained on a massive dataset of images and captions, enabling it to generate pictures of anything described. Its potential impact on various industries is enormous, as it can transform how pictures are developed and used.

With DALL-E 2, you can bring your ideas to life in new and innovative ways with creative images.

However, as all the other AI tools, this platform has some downsides alongside all its benefits. If you take a closer look at the picture below, you’ll see it cannot handle creating details and people’s photos properly.

DALL-E 2: pictures of people solving a maths problem
DALL-E 2: pictures of people solving a maths problem

Integrate AI in your digital marketing efforts!


Looka is an AI-powered logo maker that allows users to design professional-looking logos in minutes. The tool uses machine learning algorithms to analyze design preferences and create a custom logo based on your input.

Thanks to this unique logo creator, you can attract customers with outstanding branding.

Looka website
Looka website

Looka offers a simple, user-friendly interface that guides you through the logo creation process. You can choose from a variety of templates, and customize fonts, colors, and icons. What’s more, you can preview your logo on different products to see how it looks in the real world.

Looka also provides high-quality logo files for websites, social media, and marketing materials.

With its powerful AI technology, Looka makes creating a unique and memorable brand identity easy. Importantly, it also provides a complex brand book to help you stick to your branding.

You need that for your marketing, especially if you are a starting business.

Leverage AI in your marketing strategy.

Runway AI

Runway is an AI marketing tool that enables you to create professional videos and images with ease. It provides a range of features such as generating videos and pictures, infinitely expanding images, and reimagining any graphic. Moreover, you can train custom models to meet your specific needs and preferences.

Runway dashboard with its features
Runway dashboard with its features

With Runway, you can erase unwanted things from videos or slow them down. Another option is making static images move to create an engaging visual experience.

Additionally, the tool allows you to remove any background from your pictures, making them perfect for use in different marketing campaigns.

Runway makes it possible to achieve professional-looking results without the need for extensive technical skills or equipment. It’s an ideal AI marketing tool for creating stunning visuals that resonate with your target audience and driving engagement.

Start using marketing AI tools, beginning with Brand24!

Start testing your first AI marketing tool!

I know the amount of AI marketing tools you can choose from may be a bit overwhelming. Because of this, I recommend you make your own list of the software you could use in your business. Then you can try them one by one and stick to the most useful ones.

Remember, you don’t need to implement all the AI tools available. Stay with the tools that influence your work the most and bring ultimate benefits.

From my side, I can indicate the 3 most crucial areas that are worth covering with AI marketing tools:

  1. Monitoring online reputation with media monitoring tools.
  2. Optimizing texts for better visibility in Google search engines.
  3. Image creation for outstanding pictures for your website.

I wish you good luck in your journey with artificial intelligence marketing tools!

Start testing your first AI marketing for free!

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