Category: Business Strategy

Business strategy is a key to the success of any brand. A well-planned strategy will allow you to survive among the competitors. Check out blog posts and learn how to prepare appropriate action plans.

5 Steps to Personalize Your Marketing Communication for Better Conversions

75% of U.S. customers are satisfied when they get personalized gifts and offers. They are more loyal to companies that adjust their offer to individual preferences, even if it is related to less privacy. There is no doubt that personalization brings many benefits to your business and 94% of companies believe that it is critical to current and future success. However, only 6% admits to have a fixed personalization strategy. The Internet is full of data that you can leverage, don't miss the opportunity.

Natalia Chrzanowska Natalia Chrzanowska |
Apr 16, 2015
4 min reads
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