If You Missed the Solar Eclipse 2017, These Images Will Make You Smile

4 min read

Good morning, all. Rise and shine!

Are you one of the millions who donned old-school 3D movie-like shades to go out and observe this rare phenomenon?

If so, I’m jealous. Unfortunately, I wasn’t in any of the 13 states that had prime visibility at the time. (In case you’re wondering, that’s California, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Missouri, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia, and South Carolina.)

But I guess that’s okay. The photographs below more than make up for it.

Here are some of the most popular images from 2017’s total solar eclipse:


I actually just popped into Wyoming recently, where I took the mandatory photo op at Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Memorial (both highly recommended sites!). Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to stick around for the eclipse.

Luckily for me, the Internet took care of that. No glasses required.

With 1,757,016 likes and 5,735 comments, the image above has been – as of yet – the most popular image for this year’s solar eclipse.

Is it any wonder why they call this phase the “diamond ring”?


This image has received over 1.2 million likes and more than 4.5 thousand comments so far. This might not exactly be a close-up, but my favorite part about this shot is the exclusive aspect – who gets to experience an eclipse from an aerial position like this (or higher)?

Astronauts, that’s who.

Unless you’re an astronaut, viewing an eclipse from a plane is like scoring courtside tickets to a Celtics game (go Boston!).

Anyway, 2017’s solar eclipse was kind of a big deal.

In less than 2 days, terms like eclipse, solar eclipse 2017, #SolarEclipse, #SolarEclipse2017, #Eclipse, and #Eclipse2017 were mentioned over 406.8 K times.

Among these 406.8 k mentions, a number of them were references to the same content.

Here are some of 2017’s most creative responses to the solar eclipse that the Internet has officially deemed popular (likes, comments, and shares – oh, my!). In no particular order, and not including President Trump’s posts.

Drumroll, please…

Zach King

Likes: 766,884

Comments: 6,114


This short video featured Zach performing yet another digital sleight of hand by “turning off” the sun for the eclipse. This trick generated almost 3 million views.

(I may have helped by pressing ‘play’ a few times to figure out what that song is… still can’t name it. Help!).

The Cleveland Cavaliers

Likes: 74,749

Comments: 290


This basketball action shot works pretty well with the eclipse.

“No shades necessary here”… because he’s been eclipsed by the moon blocked (haha). Perfect timing!

Nova (PBS)

Likes: 9,518

Comments: 1,686

Shares: 71,082

I have to admit, I love a good documentary. That’s why I’m always a sucker for short and informative videos like this.

Whenever I see something that makes me go, ‘hey, I didn’t know that!’… I’m instantly intrigued.

Guess I have a new documentary series to binge watch! Farewell, weekends.

NYX Cosmetics

Likes: 70,561

Comments: 189


Makeup fans loved this eclipse-inspired lip art.

For some reason, the first thought that crossed my mind when I saw this was just crescent moon and not solar eclipse. But maybe that’s just me.

In any case, makeup fans everywhere appreciated the creativity and products that were used to achieve this unique look.

LA Dodgers eclipse reenactment featuring Yasiel Puig and Justin Turner via House of Highlights

Likes: 46,293

Comments: 490


Team members Yasiel Puig (aka “The Hurricane”) and Justin Turner teamed up for this short clip, which generated a large number of views.

Athletes can give off a pretty serious vibe when they’re in competition-mode, which is why fans (both of the team and the sport in general) appreciate casual videos like this.

No one’s perfectly serious and well-behaved all the time. Sometimes we’re silly. Sometimes we’re sad. Sometimes we’re happy… and sometimes we just don’t give a f***.

And that’s kinda how we like it.

Tarte Cosmetics

Likes: 34,628

Comments: 237


This one’s kind of a thinker.

At first glance, it looks like someone just drew the outline of the sun on their wrist, which makes you wonder what does that have to do with the eclipse?

But the caption explains that the image is about how well the product is able to conceal things that can be tough to cover up, like tattoos.

Many fans of the popular makeup brand, along with interested potential customers, took the opportunity to ask direct questions about the product in the comments section of the Instagram post. Tarte Cosmetics took advantage of this golden opportunity to engage with their audience and quickly responded to these inquiries. Nice work!


Likes: 41,456

Comments: 300


Much like in the example above, the relationship between the clip and the eclipse isn’t necessarily super clear… until you read the caption.

I guess we all know what Frank’s up to on Monday (as if we couldn’t have guessed)?


Likes: 21,282

Comments: 152


I know what you’re thinking:


Haha, It’s kinda cool… in a terrifying way.

Junk Gypsy Company vintage store

Likes: 21,769

Comments: 39,111

Shares: 189,516

Saving the best for last, this one is my personal favorite.

(Did you really think I was going to leave you with a nightmare-inducing image like the one above? No – instead, I’m just going to leave you hungry. You’re welcome.)

This clip wins the category of ‘Most Shared Response to the 2017 Solar Eclipse’ on the Internet.

Are you really surprised? Donuts were involved (those other clips/posts/images… they never stood a chance).

And what’s the only thing that’s better than 1 doughnut?

2 donuts.

2 donuts are better than 1.

Nailed it.

Doughnut eclipse for the win!

In all seriousness, now – I hope everybody stayed safe and had a good time viewing the eclipse! And if, like me, you weren’t able to catch it, then I hope this post puts a smile on your face.

Just think, this could have been me you. (Wyoming on the day of the eclipse.)

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