7 International Women’s Day 2017 Social Media Campaigns You Should See

3 min read

This week the world celebrated International Women’s Day. On this occasion, we created a list of the most influential women in digital marketing. What’s more important, however, is that International Women’s Day sparks a debate women’s empowerment all over the world. As a result, there’s a lot of social campaigns that aim to raise awareness about women’s inequality.

One of the best means to spread the word and engage people is the Internet and social media. Many brands and influencers react to International Women’s Day and contribute two cents with their own social media campaigns raisinwg awareness, celebrating and supporting women all over the world.

Here’s Our Round-Up

To collect some of the most influential campaigns in terms of social media reach and engagement, we used the social media monitoring capabilities of Brand24.


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Okay, let’s get to it.

Western Union’s #TheRaceIsON

Western Union launched an advert that celebrates education as a way to women’s empowerment. The video shows girls from different parts of the world with a voice saying: “the race is on”. The girls begin to race to become “the first female to run United Nations” or land on on the Moon.

Women’s March #DayWithoutAWomen

Another popular campaign was Women’s March #DayWithoutAWoman. The aim of it is to show support women’s rights by showing how much women accomplish every day. The organizers of the Women’s March encourage people online to turn their profile pictures red.

Ikea Switzerland

To empower women, Ikea Switzerland introduced 2-month paternity leave so that fathers can take care of children and share responsibilities.

P&G’s #WeSeeEqual

Procter & Gamble launched #WeSeeEqual campaign across the biggest social media. The campaign features clips from P&G’s commercials of Always, Secret which defy gender stereotypes. It’s no mystery that in recent years brands such as Pantene, Ariel and Fairy have made commercials fighting gender inequalities.

Sydney Boys High

Prefects of Sydney High starred in a video titled “Feminism is important to me because…”. The idea behind the videos was to collect quotes about the importance of feminism from women, including teachers, mothers, sisters and friends. In the video, the quotes are delivered by the boys from Sydney High. Some of the responses included:”feminism is important to me because a few months ago a guy decided for me that I wanted to have sex with him. I didn’t want to”.

Other stories came from women who were told they’re too flat-chested, they’re not smart enough to become economists, they should be ashamed of their bodies, etc.

Hugh Bartley, the school capitan says: “The video is actually part of a wider campaign running at school … to promote gender equal values within the school to get boys thinking about feminism and the role of men and women in society and what they can do to influence that in a positive way,”

United Colors of Benetton’s #UnitedByHalf

The #UnitedByHalf campaign, created by Creativeland Asia, fights women’s rights and social position in India by demanding equal pay. The was launched early in February, however, it gained impact on International Women’s Day.

It was specifically designed for the Indian market where women struggle hard with inequalities. The ad shows a young girl beating a boy in arm wrestling match or a woman quitting job because of unequal pay.

One’s #GirlCount

One launched #GirlsCount campaign that fights for making education accessible for more women all over the world. Poverty is sexist and girls in the impoverished countries are less likely to receive an education than boys.

The goal of #GirlsCount is to get people to record short videos of them counting a number between 1 and 130 million out loud. Everyone can join and post a picture or video online.

The charity plans to put together the videos and create the world’s longest video to raise awareness of the issue.

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